The Horse Race is back! This week on ‘Inauguration Day’ Bonus Episode 27: Brendan McKinnon interviews Special Guest Jim Arkedis, about his new article detailing how Donald Trump’s conflicts of interest endanger national security. Listen in …
| Each week Lima Charlie News Political Correspondents and veterans Michael Connolly (US Army), Dan Webb (USAF), and Brendan McKinnon (USCG), “The Horse Race,” bring you the latest in politics and Beltway shenanigans. This week, join in for a special “Inauguration Day” bonus edition, Episode 27 (available on iTunes or Soundcloud), with Special Guest Jim Arkedis. Brendan McKinnon speaks with Jim, one-on-one, about his new article for U.S News & World Report, “Donald Trump Must Divest – Here are 4 ways his business interests threaten U.S. national security,” and the numerous issues surrounding Donald Trump’s apparent conflicts of interest.
Jim Arkedis, a fellow with the Truman National Security Project, has appeared on CNN, Fox News, MSNBC and other news outlets to discuss national security and foreign policy related matters. He began his career in national security as a counter-terrorism and counter-intelligence analyst at the Pentagon, with the United States Naval Criminal Investigative Service (NCIS) – (like the TV show). Jim then pursued politics and policy at the Progressive Policy Institute, in D.C., running their National Security Project, before creating the political action committee 4D PAC (“democracy, diplomacy, development & defense”), focusing on national security and foreign policy. Recently, Jim just helped launch PutUSFirst, a Trump opposition group, with a stated mission:
PutUSFirst is a month-long political campaign focused on the threat posed to American national security by Donald Trump’s refusal to divest his foreign business interests. By retaining ownership of the Trump Organization, we need to know if Trump is looking out for himself or US. We must tell Trump to PutUSFirst.
PutUSFirst posted a petition that states:
End Trump’s Conflicts of Interest
The Trump Organization is a worldwide real estate empire with businesses in at least 18 countries.
By refusing to sell his ownership of the Trump Organization, Donald Trump forces the American public to ask: Did he assume the presidency to advance America’s interests or his own? Moreover, his self-inflicted conflicts of interest are a clear violation of the Constitution’s Emoluments Clause, designed to prevent foreign governments from influencing the Commander-In-Chief. Yet the Trump Organization is set to receive millions of dollars from foreign diplomats who stay at its hotels, have foreign governments approve building permits, and give his family and business partners privileged access to foreign leaders.
Senate Democrats, led by Senators Warren (D-MA), Durbin (D-IL), Cardin (D-MD), and Merkley (D-OR) have introduced legislation, S. 65, that would require President Trump to disclose and eliminate any financial conflicts he has.
Senate Republicans must stand up and putUSfirst. In 2011, Cory Gardner read the Emoluments Clause on the House floor. Now, he has the duty to enforce it against a President riddled by foreign corruption.
As Senator Majority Leader, Mitch McConnell has the ability to immediately bring Senator Warren’s bill to the floor and ensure that President Trump puts America before his own business interests.
We demand Senator Gardner cosponsor and Senator McConnell bring this legislation to the floor for an immediate vote.
Congress must act if Donald Trump won’t. Senator McConnell, protect American interests by eliminating Donald Trump’s conflicts. PutUSFirst!
Episode 27 is available on iTunes, or you can stream or download it to listen offline. And don’t forget to subscribe to iTunes and leave a 5 star rating and exceptional review.
Lima Charlie provides global news, insight & analysis by military veterans and service members Worldwide.
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Michael D. Connolly, Managing Editor / Chief Political Correspondent, Lima Charlie News
Michael Connolly is a former Army Staff Sergeant who served in the Infantry, completing two combat tours to Iraq. He currently serves as the Director of Military and Veterans Affairs for the Smith School of Business at the University of Maryland-College Park. Michael is a member of the Truman National Security Project Defense Council. He graduated with an M.S. in Political Science from the University of Nebraska at Omaha.
Brendan McKinnon, National Political Correspondent, Lima Charlie News
Brendan McKinnon is a Juris Doctor candidate at Boston College Law School. He previously served for ten years in the U.S. Coast Guard, including three afloat tours and one deployment in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom. Brendan earned a BS in Government from the U.S. Coast Guard Academy and an MPS in Strategic Public Relations from George Washington University. He interned on the Capitol Hill staff of a Congressman while a Cadet at the Coast Guard Academy, has field and operations experience on additional Congressional campaigns, is a member of the Truman National Security Project Defense Council and a Mentor with Veterans in Global Leadership.
Dan Webb, Political Correspondent, Lima Charlie News
Dan Webb is a former U.S. Air Force Airborne Systems Engineer on the RC-135 Rivet Joint aircraft. He completed three deployments to Southwest Asia in support of Operation Enduring Freedom and Operation Iraqi Freedom totaling over 1200 combat flight hours. He currently works as a software engineer for an Omaha based marketing agency. Previously he worked for the Office of Military and Veteran Services at the University of Nebraska Omaha where, as a student, he received his B.S. in Political Science with a minor in Economics. Additionally, as a student he completed internships for Nebraska Senator Deb Fischer and NE-2 Congressman Lee Terry. He also worked on current NE-2 Congressman Brad Ashford’s 2013 independent campaign for Mayor of Omaha, Ne. Dan’s interests include domestic economic policy, veteran’s issues, and national security.